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Leanne Pogson - Leap HR Consultancy Services

Leanne Pogson, Founder of Leap

 "I created Leap HR with the initial aim of supporting Small Business Owners with their people to ensure that everyone was treated fairly.  Over time Leap has diversified and there are now 4 clear areas that the business can support you with : both professional and personally. 


I found myself supporting many Employees. Individuals who were struggling to understand the processes that their Employers were taking them through; so Leap for Employees  was created. We offer advice and guidance to Employees who are unsure or perhaps feel that what they are being told to do isn't quite right.  


In May 2018, GDPR came in to force and Leap found itself providing guidance and advice for small businesses; some of whom to this day, still have not done anything with this legislative change. To that end work continues in this important area as the legislative impact continues to hit the headlines. 


I personally found that I was offering a LOT of business advice to small businesses, and not just people related.  There were introductions to services, offering that helping hand and suggestions that an individual would do who had no personal attachment to their particular offering. In effect a Business Buddy™.  And so Leap into Business was born.


The other area of diversification followed a personal tragic experience when I needed help myself and realised  that there was a lack for available mental health support. I engaged in a technique to support my personal crisis and having found it hugely successful, I then trained and qualified as an Energy Practitioner, and can add this service to any business or individual. Leap into Balance offers a simple but very effective technique to allow individuals to approach stressful, anxious or traumatic situations calmly, resulting in a positive outcome.


Four distinct services, providing people support in every aspect"


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